Welcome to the Playtest of AI KILLS ALL HUMANS

Thank you for showing interest in playtesting the AI KILLS ALL HUMANS game.

Instructions on how to get your reward for playtesting:

Starting 1st of August, Join the playtest from

There are two ways to complete the game:

  1. Pass the Simulation 8 Prediction 1.
  2. Completely finish the game by playing through all 8 Simulations on all 3 different Predictions.

After completing either of these, or after giving up, send your playlog.txt file to You will receive a raffle ticket number in reply. Or you can send this file through Discord (Join One Joyful Day Discord-Channel) and DM it to username One Joyful Day.

Send only one time, since you will participate only in one of the raffles (See Reward Conditions below for more details). However, if you have given up at some point, sent your playlog.txt file already, and later changed your mind and completed the game, do send your playlog.txt file again, but also mention in the message you already sent playlog.txt file once before.

---> To find your playlog.txt file

open your Steam Library and right-click on "AI KILLS ALL HUMANS - Playtest":

choose manage -> Browse local files:

And here is your Playlog.txt-file:

Only players who completely finish the game will be eligible to participate in the €50 raffle. Players who complete the game the easier way, or give up, may be eligible to join €10 raffles. (See Reward Conditions below for more details)

To stay up to date better on what is happening with the playtest, like difficulty might be changed based upon feedback/results, you could join One Joyful Day Discord-Channel where changes will be announced.

Reward conditions:

The raffle will be conducted approximately one week after the playtest ends, check this page around that time for more details, but winners will be contacted through email, so no need to worry of missing your win if not following this page.

Winners will receive their rewards via PayPal by default. If a winner does not have a PayPal account, they might not get their reward, and another winner may be picked instead. However, if participant so wishes, we can take a look at a possibility of getting some gift card instead of transfering money to paypal, but no promises.

The exact method of conducting the raffle will be determined later, but it will be random in nature, although no extra steps will be taken to ensure absolute randomness.